The fastest way to accept payments

Sell any goods or services, add subscriptions to your SaaS, offer premium membership to your community, all from your Softr application.

Sign up with email
softr features to build a marketplace

Native Stripe integration

Accept credit card payments in seconds by connecting to Stripe, without code.

Recurring payments

Offer recurring subscriptions on a monthly or yearly basis.

One-time payments

Charge one-off payments to get access to premium content, courses, or online events.

Native Stripe integration
Custom checkout page

Custom checkout page

Customize product pages and add our pre-built checkout block to securely pay with a credit card.

Trials and discount coupons

Easily apply trials and discount coupons to your members in the checkout process.

Trials and discount coupons
Connor Gustafson

How LendingApp Used Softr to Power Its SaaS Product

With Softr, I’m able to create beautifully intuitive and responsive front-ends that integrate directly with Airtable and Stripe. Softr allows me to create and iterate at least twice as fast as traditional web platforms. 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Connor Gustafson Founder, LendingApp


Multiplatform Software

Don’t be stuck with a single operating system. With Softr's PWA feature, your app is accessible to your users across IOS and Android. The apps will adapt and look great on every screen without any extra design or resources.

Multiplatform app
Built-in profile management

Built-in profile management

Let members update their personal information, password, billing history and details at any time, all in one place.

Paypal and Gumroad checkout

Let customers pay via Paypal with smart buttons, or integrate Gumroad for digital purchases.

Paypal and Gumroad checkout

Join 500,000+ companies and creators using Softr

Get started for FREE on your custom domain!

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