How to remove duplicates in Google Sheets

Minnie Mururi
Mar 7, 2025
min read

Google Sheets is an invaluable tool that aids in everything from basic calculations to complex analysis. But, as datasets grow, so does the risk of duplicates, which can skew results and negatively influence decision-making.

How to remove duplicates in Google Sheets, using the remove duplicates tool

Cost: $0

Time: 1 minute

What sets the remove duplicates tool in Google Sheets apart is its user-friendly interface and streamlined process that enables you to effortlessly pinpoint and eliminate duplicate entries. With just a few clicks, it analyzes data on your chosen dataset and offers a way to eliminate duplicate data, so that you have a more reliable dataset to work with.

Below are the steps to follow to use the remove duplicates tool to delete duplicate data in Google Sheets:

Step 1: Select the cells

Click and drag your mouse to select the range of cells that contains the data from which you want to remove duplicates.

Select the cells

Step 2: Open the Remove duplicates dialog box

In the top menu bar, click on “Data.” From the drop-down menu, choose “Data cleanup,” then select “Remove duplicates.”

Step 2: Open the Remove duplicates dialog box

Step 3: Configure the removal of duplicates

In the “Remove duplicates” dialog box that appears, you will find checkboxes next to each column in your selected range. Google Sheets will consider the combination of values in these columns to determine duplicates in your spreadsheet.

Check the "Data has header row" box if your selected dataset has column names so that Google ignores those rows when removing duplicates. Once you’ve configured the removal of duplicates, click on the "Remove duplicates" button at the bottom of the dialog box.

Step 3: Configure the removal of duplicates

Step 4: Click on “OK”

Click on “OK” in the notification that appears showing you how many duplicates were found and removed to delete the duplicate rows.

Step 4: Click on “OK”

Step 5: The duplicated data has been removed!

You’ve just finished removing all the duplicates with the remove duplicates tool. Now, all your data points are unique.

Step 5: The duplicated data has been removed!

How to remove duplicates in Google Sheets, using the “COUNTIF” formula

Cost: $0

Time: 1 minute

Removing duplicates using the “COUNTIF" formula in Google Sheets is typically used when you want to identify and remove duplicate values from a specific range based on a certain condition or criterion. This method is particularly useful when you want to customize the duplicate removal process by considering specific factors.

Step 1: Select data range

Select the row you want to check for duplicates.

Step 1: Select data range

Step 2: Create a new column

Create a new column next to it. In this example, to find duplicates in column A, we’ll create column B next to it.

Step 2: Create a new column

Step 3: Apply the formula

In a cell of your new column—such as the B2 in our example—insert the formula =COUNTIF(A$2:A2, A2)>1 to highlight the duplicates in column A.

You will need to adjust the formula based on your needs, but here’s what the formula means:

  • COUNTIF(A$2:A2, A2): This part of the formula counts the number of times the value in cell A2 appears within the range of cells from A$2 (the first row in the range, anchored) to the current row A2 (the row that the formula is in). So, it checks how many times the value in A2 occurs within the range A$2:A2.
  • >1: This part of the formula checks if the count obtained in step 1 is greater than 1. If it is, it means that the value in cell A2 appears more than once in the range from A$2 to the current row A2.
Step 3: Apply the formula

Step 4: Copy and Paste the Formula

Once you've entered the formula in the cell of the new column, drag down the fill handle, which is a small square at the bottom-right corner of the selected cell, with your mouse to copy the formula to the cells which you want to remove duplicates.

When a value shows up for the first time, the count will be 1, so the formula will return “False.” But when the value shows up a second time, the count will be 2, so the formula will return “TRUE.”

Step 4: Copy and Paste the Formula

Step 5: Remove the duplicates

In order to remove the duplicates in your Google Sheets spreadsheet, you will need to do some ordering of the rows, so that the values that are duplicated are together, making them easier to delete.

Step 5.1: Select your new column

Select your new column, the one with the “TRUE” and “False” values.

Step 5: Remove the duplicates

Step 5.2: Sort the data

Now, you need to right-click on the header of the column and click on “Sort sheet A-Z.” This will separate the “TRUE” from the “FALSE” values.

Step 5.2: Sort the data

Step 5.3: Select the duplicated values and delete

Now you know that the cells on the left of the ones with the value “TRUE” are duplicates. This means you can highlight the cells in the original column—column A, in our example—and delete those.

You can then delete the column you created to apply the COUNTIF formula.

Step 5.3: Select the duplicated values and delete

How to remove duplicates in Google Sheets, using add-on extensions

Time: 2 minutes

Cost: $0

Using add-on extensions is another quick way to remove duplicates in Google Sheets. In order to do so, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Select data range

Select the data range from which you want to remove the duplicates.

Step 1: Select data range

Step 2: Open Google Workspace Marketplace

Go to the "Extensions" menu at the top, choose "Add-ons," and then click on “Manage add-ons.

Step 2: Open Google Workspace Marketplace

Step 3: Choose an add-on extension

In the Google Workspace Marketplace, search for “ remove duplicates for sheets” to see all the add-ons you can choose from. In this example, we will use Power Tools, created by Ablebits.

Step 3: Choose an add-on extension

Step 4: Install the add-on extension

Once you’ve chosen an add-on extension, click on it to install it. You will need to select your Google Account, follow the prompts to grant necessary permissions, and then click on “Done.”

Step 4: Install the add-on extension

Step 5: Open the add-on’s Interface

In the menu bar, click on “Extensions,” then “Add-ons,” and finally click on “View document add-ons” to open the add-ons interface. Select the option for the add-on you installed.

Step 5: Open the add-on’s Interface

Step 6: Click on “Dedupe & Compare”

If you installed the Power Tool add-on, then on the Power Tool sidebar, click on “Dedupe & compare.”

Step 6: Click on “Dedupe & Compare”

Step 7: Click on “Remove duplicate cells”

Next, select the option for the duplicates you want to remove. Power Tools gives you the option to remove duplicate rows and duplicate cells.

In this example, we will remove duplicate cells. If that’s your goal, click on the “Remove duplicate cells” option.

Step 7: Click on “Remove duplicate cells”

Step 8: Select range

In the dialog box that appears, confirm the range you want to check duplicate cells in. If they are not the correct ones, use the grid icon to manually select your desired range, then click on “Next >.”

Step 8: Select range

Step 9: Choose the type of cells you want to find

Click on the drop-down arrow and select “Duplicates,” if it doesn't automatically appear, then click on “Next >.”

Step 9: Choose the type of cells you want to find

Step 10: Choose what to do with the found cells

Select the “Clear values” option, and then click on “Finish >.”

Step 10: Choose what to do with the found cells

Step 11: The duplicates have been removed

The duplicate cells in your sheet in Google Sheets have now been removed.

Step 11: The duplicates have been removed

How to remove duplicates in Google Sheets, using pivot tables

Time: 2 minutes

Cost: $0

Using pivot tables is a great way to identify and remove duplicate data on your spreadsheet. When using pivot tables on your data by a specific column or row, duplicate data appears as separate items when counts are greater than one. This is how they filter duplicates, making it easy to identify duplicate data.

Read the steps below to learn how you can remove duplicate data using a pivot table.

Step 1: Select your data range

Select the data on your sheet in Google Sheets from where you want to remove duplicate data.

Step 1: Select your data range

Step 2: Open the Create a pivot table dialog box

On the top menu, click on “Insert,” and then click on “Pivot Table” on the drop-down menu.

Step 2: Open the Create a pivot table dialog box

Step 3: Create a pivot table

A dialogue box will appear, and you should see the data range you selected and choose where you want to place your pivot table. You can place it on your existing sheet or a new sheet.

Step 3: Create a pivot table

Step 4: Design your pivot table

Now you need to design your pivot table in a way that will detect the duplicates. In order to do so, follow the below steps.

Step 4.1: Add the rows to the pivot table

On the pivot table sidebar, you can add the rows to your pivot table, by clicking on “Add” next to “Rows,” where you can add the rows from which you want to delete duplicate data.

Step 4: Design your pivot table

Step 4.2: Add the columns to the pivot table

Now, you need to add the columns to the pivot table. To do so, click on “Add” next to “Columns.”

Step 4.2: Add the columns to the pivot table

Step 4.3: Set up the values of your pivot table

In order to set up the pivot table to count the duplicates, so that you can then remove them, click on “Add” next to “Values.”

Step 4.3: Set up the values of your pivot table

Step 5: Identify your duplicate

On the pivot table, you will see all your duplicates. The value represents the number of times the items have been duplicated. For example, the item blinder has been duplicated 6 times.

Step 5: Identify your duplicate

Step 6: Remove duplicates

Return to your original data and select the rows corresponding to the duplicate value you found in the pivot table, such as “Binder” in our example. After you’ve selected the row, right-click and click on “Delete row.”

Step 6: Remove duplicates

Step 7: The duplicates have been removed

Once you’ve finished removing all the rows with duplicates, you can be assured that your dataset contains only unique values. See in the before and after image

Step 7: The duplicates have been removed

How to remove duplicates in Google Sheets, using Apps Script

Time Taken: 3 minutes

Cost: $0

Another way to sort out duplicate data on your Google Sheets is by using Apps Script. You can use Apps Script to make Google Sheets run a script that identifies and eliminates duplicate data entries.

Follow the steps below to use Apps Script to remove duplicates in Google Sheets.

Step 1: Open the script editor

On the top menu, click on “Extensions,” then click on “Apps Script” on the drop-down menu.

Step 1: Open the script editor

Step 2: Code the script to check for duplicates

You can copy the below script to help you check for duplicate entries in your Google Sheets.

function removeDuplicates() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var newData = [];
  var seen = {};

  data.forEach(function(row) {
    var key = row[0]; // Adjust index for the column you want to check for duplicates
    if (!seen[key]) {
      seen[key] = true;

  sheet.getRange(1, 1, newData.length, newData[0].length).setValues(newData);

Step 3: Customize the script

You should customize your script by replacing “[0]” with the index column you want to check for duplicates. Index columns refer to the column on the spreadsheet that provides a unique label for each row of data. In a spreadsheet, the first column is marked with a [0], [1] for the second column, and so on.

You can now adjust the script to handle different columns when needed. In our case, we want to remove duplicates on column D. Since it’s the fourth from the beginning, it will be marked with a [3] (the fourth column, as indexing starts from 0) on the script.

Step 3: Customize the script

Go ahead and replace the [0] with the [3] on your script.

Step 3: Customize the script

Step 4: Run the script

Save your script and click on the Run button at the top to run the script to remove duplicates.

Step 4: Run the script

Step 5: Click on “Advanced”

Google will ask for permission to access and change your spreadsheet. In order to grant the necessary permission, click on “Advanced.”

Step 5: Click on “Advanced”

Step 6: Click on “Unsafe”

After you’ve clicked on “Advanced,” click on “Unsafe.” This will take you to the Apps Script editor, where you will see your duplicate removal function has been executed.

Step 6: Click on “Unsafe”

Step 7: The duplicates have been removed

After running the script, it will remove all duplicated rows based on the column you specified in the code.

Step 7: The duplicates have been removed

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Minnie Mururi

Google Sheets

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